Who Is Student Monitor

Since 1987, Student Monitor has continuously published the only nationally syndicated market research study of the college student market.

Student Monitor's mission is to serve the needs of those targeting college students as a consumer group or for recruitment purposes. For more than twenty years, Student Monitor has leveraged its resources and expertise in support of the college market goals and objectives of Fortune 500 companies, federal and state agencies, as well as the non-profit sector.

In addition to an in depth, comprehensive understanding of how students interact with virtually every form of media, students' consumer behavior, their attitudes, concerns and plans, Student Monitor also has nationally recognized knowledge and insight specific to student involvement with major industries including Financial Services, Telecom, Recruitment and Computing & The Internet.

Converts Data to Insight . . .
Student Monitor is more than just data. Crisp, keen, analytical insight, converting data into action is the base premise of Student Monitor

As a Student Monitor subscriber, this insight is the very core of our deliverable, empowering our subscribers to more clearly understand, compete and succeed in the highly complex, fast-moving college student market.

For more information . . .
The management team can be reached by voice, email or fax.

  • Voice (201) 612-8100
  • Fax (201) 612-1444